Announcing open source and open sign-ups

Announcing open source and open sign-ups

Our code is now open source under the Apache License 2.0, and anyone can sign up on the SaaS platform.

As promised a few weeks ago, we’re back with updates on our open source platform and some more items of note. Let’s get right into it!

Open source & public roadmap

We are proud to announce that Tramline is now open source under the Apache License, Version 2.0. This means that you can not only access our source code, but also self-host Tramline inside your infrastructure and join our growing community on Discord! Get started by reading our self-hosting guide on GitHub.

Why open source though? We wrote about this in our 2022 recap but it bears repeating again:

  • Software that sits in the infrastructure layer should come with a high degree of reliability and longevity. Open source software guarantees that to everyone.
  • Workflow software is difficult to build in a closed room. After all, how can a small team design something that’ll fit a wide variety of workflows?
  • We cannot simply hope for convergence of ideas and best practices; we will have to create a welcoming space. Open source communities have done this successfully for decades.

Of course, open sourcing the code is only one step towards building trust and fostering collaboration. We’re also making our roadmap public on GitHub which gives you visibility into upcoming features and improvements, and a chance to participate in our future. Go have a look and tell us what you think.

Growth Plan: sign-ups now open

Our SaaS offering provides a hassle-free experience with priority support, seamless maintenance of integrations, and continuous updates. Today we're excited to open sign-ups for everyone along with details on our Growth Plan. As an integration-heavy platform, we understand it can get confusing to set things up yourself so we handhold all teams through the onboarding process.

Have questions before you get started? Book a personalized demo call with our founding team, and we’ll walk you through the platform.

Enterprise Plan: now available

For organizations with regulatory requirements and access constraints, we offer our Enterprise plan. We provide SLAs for support requests, tailored release process consulting, and managed on-premise hosting if needed. Perhaps you want to use an integration we don’t support yet? We can prioritize that for you!

If Enterprise is what you need, write to us at and we will get back to you promptly.

Welcome aboard!

We're thrilled to share these updates with our growing community, and we look forward to your feedback and continued support. Together, we will create a future that empowers mobile teams everywhere and accelerates the mobile DevOps ecosystem.

See you on GitHub and Discord!

Cover photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash.